Here's what the Immigration Judge had to say about Dr. McGuire's report and testimony in the case involving the sample reports below:
The court has carefully considered Dr. McGuire’s twice testimony and her first report as well as her supplemental report. The doctor goes over in detail in the report which has been record[ed] above as well as her detailed testimony, the risk factors. She analyzed the case first before A’s tragic passing and then the impact on the children and respondent after A’s passing. She analyzes the country conditions, the family situation in Mexico of the abusive parents, the alcohol consumption; she analyzes the risk factor of the grieving children, how their moved and forced relocation to Mexico [would] exacerbate their situation, and that she believes in her expert opinion that the children’s removal to Mexico would rise to the level of hardship necessary to qualify in this case.
The court does not reject her analysis in any way and is thankful for her input into these proceedings.
McGuire Developmental Analytics
3408 31st Ave. NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Phone 520-591-9421