Some musings on research findings on the topic of a spouse, especially an older spouse, who might be forced to leave a job or occupation because the other spouse might be forced to leave the USA:
Maintaining an occupation is an important part of adult identity development, and provides a means to achieving a sense of productivity in later life.
When adults are forced away from an occupation, or involuntarily lose a job, occupational identity development can be disrupted. Job loss is associated with negative psychological outcomes (Gowan, 2012), especially for older workers who may have an especially difficult time finding reemployment (Klehe, Koen, & De Pater, 2012). Job loss is a major predictor of depression among older workers, especially when subjective expectations for finding reemployment are low (Mandal, Ayyagari, & Gallo, 2011). Job loss due to establishment closure was associated with significant increases in the risk of hospitalization due to alcohol-related conditions, and due to traffic accidents and self-harm among men (Eliason & Storrie, 2009). Involuntary job loss worsened mental health among older Americans (Mandal & Roe, 2008).
Gowan, M. A. (2012). Employability, well-being and job satisfaction following a job loss. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(8), 780-798. doi:
Klehe, U., Koen, J., & De Pater, I. E. (2012). Ending on the scrap heap? the experience of job loss and job search among older workers. New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Retrieved from
Mandal, B., Ayyagari, P., & Gallo, W. T. (2011). Job loss and depression: The role of subjective expectations. Social Science & Medicine, 72(4), 576-583. doi:
Eliason, M., & Storrie, D. (2009). Job loss is bad for your health—Swedish evidence on cause-specific hospitalization following involuntary job loss. Social Science & Medicine, 68(8), 1396-1406. doi:
Mandal, B., & Roe, B. (2008). Job loss, retirement and the mental health of older Americans. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 11(4), 167-176. Retrieved from
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